The school appeals process

There is advice available for parent and carers regarding the appeals process from the Department for Education. View the guidance for appeals.

View the School Admission Appeals Code 2022

The Code allows appeal hearings to be held remotely by video conference. All appeals take place via video link using Microsoft Teams, accessible from a mobile telephone, tablet, laptop or any device that can access the internet via an internet browser.

Once your submitted appeal has been processed and scheduled, and at least 10 days prior to the appeal hearing, you will receive an email from the School Appeals Team (part of the Council’s Legal & Governance Department) informing you of the date and time of the appeal. Included in this email will be a copy of the school statement and guidance on the appeals process. It is important that you read this information prior to your appeal hearing.

If you require an interpreter free of change, once you have received the above information, you can respond to the email to request this, including the language required.

You will also be sent an electronic invitation with a link to join to the meeting.

All emails regarding your hearing will come from Look out for messages from this address, and check your junk/spam and deleted folders regularly to ensure they are not missed.

Both the School Admissions and Fair Access Service and the School Appeals Team request that if you need to contact someone about your appeal, you use email wherever possible.

If you have any questions, phone the School Admissions and Fair Access Service on 0121 303 1888 or email

Papers for appeals

Birmingham's School Appeals Team will email you all the appeal papers as soon as possible before the hearing, including a copy of the written statement setting out the case for refusing admission at the particular school or academy.

Submit additional information

You will be able to submit in advance additional information in support of an appeal using our online form.

If you submit additional information on the day of the hearing, the independent appeal panel will decide whether to consider it, taking into account its significance.

Find out how you can support the school admissions appeal process

There are voluntary opportunities to become an Independent School Appeal Panel member, visit our dedicated page to learn more

Page last updated: 21 August 2024

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