
Careline Telecare service

Careline is a 24 hour, 365 days a year technology enabled care (TEC) service run by Birmingham City Council.

Telecare is a whole range of 'assistive technology' products. It includes alarm systems, sensors and devices that provide support to people living in their own homes through a link to the TEC accredited Careline Telecare service.

The service can transform the lives of people who wish to remain living independently for as long as they can. It brings reassurance to users and their family by ensuring safety and a way to call for help both from in the home and when out and about.

How it works

The basic Careline alarm system would be attached to your telephone line. You would also be provided with a pendant which you can wear around your neck, on a wrist strap, or attached to your clothing.

You may be provided with a mobile device that has an in-built SIM card that allows you to request help when you are out and about, using location settings.

When you press the button on the pendant, alarm base unit or mobile device, you will be put through to a Careline operator at the Birmingham base careline control room. You will be able to speak to the Careline operator, even if you are not near your phone.

The Careline operator will contact the emergency services, and/or one of your “responders”. Your responders are friends or family you have told us can help you in an emergency.

They must be able to get into your home in an emergency if you cannot answer the door.

Do not worry if you press your Careline alarm or device accidentally, just tell the operator that you activated the alarm by mistake and that you are okay.

Who the Careline Telecare service is for

Careline Telecare is for anyone who needs a little extra support or assistance to remain independent in their home, or when going out and about.

There is no age barrier to the service. Anyone who feels isolated, lives alone or feels insecure could benefit from the service.

Telecare has primarily been used by older people. However, the range of Telecare equipment has developed hugely over the years and now offers benefits to people of all ages.

Find out more about the equipment available

Page last updated: 26 July 2023

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