Birmingham Schools' Forum March 2019 SF minutes March 2019File type: DOCSize: 138 KBDownload: SF minutes March 2019 Schools Forum Agenda June 2019File type: DOCSize: 213 KBDownload: Schools Forum Agenda June 2019 5a.High Needs Task GroupFile type: DOCSize: 227 KBDownload: 5a.High Needs Task Group 5b.SEND local offer Innovate to Save Fund Guidance V3 (2)File type: DOCSize: 180 KBDownload: 5b.SEND local offer Innovate to Save Fund Guidance V3 (2) 6. DSG Non Schools Outturn Position 2018-19File type: DOCSize: 1.41 MBDownload: 6. DSG Non Schools Outturn Position 2018-19 7.School Carry Forward Balances Appendix 1File type: XLSSize: 148.5 KBDownload: 7.School Carry Forward Balances Appendix 1 8. Retained Duties -Final 2019-20 AFile type: XLSSize: 51 KBDownload: 8. Retained Duties -Final 2019-20 A 8. Retained Duties Budget 2019-20 V2File type: DOCSize: 1.42 MBDownload: 8. Retained Duties Budget 2019-20 V2 9. Schools Forum deficit budgetsFile type: DOCXSize: 20.15 KBDownload: 9. Schools Forum deficit budgets 7. School Carry Forward Balances 2018-19File type: DOCSize: 1.41 MBDownload: 7. School Carry Forward Balances 2018-19 Special Schools Proposals FinalFile type: DOCXSize: 15.69 KBDownload: Special Schools Proposals Final