Education: Early Help and Safeguarding

Support for the most vulnerable

Download further guidance

View the most recent safeguarding conference/briefing by logging into BESS

Telephone the Children's Advice and Support Service (CASS) on 0121 303 1888

Training support offered to schools and education settings across Birmingham
About us
Education Early Help and Safeguarding is a strategic service within the Education and Skills directorate of the Local Authority.
In addition to fulfilling statutory safeguarding duties, the service has a comprehensive offer of school improvement with regard to safeguarding. This offer includes a daily duty line for advice and guidance, targeted CPD opportunities through termly conferences and briefings and wide ranging resources tailored to the needs of Birmingham schools.
The service works closely with The Birmingham Children Safeguarding Partnership and The Children's Trust to develop good early help and safeguarding practice.
Access to the schools offer is through annual subscription.
Providing the best support and leadership for safeguarding children in Birmingham
View the most recent safeguarding conference/briefing by logging into BESS
Seek advice from an Education Safeguarding Officer
These pages are updated regularly and should be used as the main source of information for Birmingham DSLs. Printed versions should be used with care as they can become out of date.