City Housing Tenant Talks workshops

The Tenant Talks workshops are an opportunity for tenants to meet with City Housing staff.

We want to hear your views on how to improve the housing service, to benefit the local community.

Tenants are invited to :

  • express their views
  • ask vital questions
  • discuss solutions together
  • help us to improve the service

Tenant Talks workshops 2024

After the successful launch of Tenant Talks and positive feedback, we are hosting further sessions to better connect with and involve our tenants.


This will be a ticketed in-person event for Birmingham City Council tenants only.

You will be asked for your tenancy reference number at the time of booking. You can find your reference number on letters and emails from the Housing Department.

There are limited tickets available per session.

Once all tickets have been allocated, you will be asked if you want to add your name to a waitlist.

If you have any questions about the sessions, email us.

Ticket links can be found below:


If you have been allocated a ticket but cannot attend, let us know so that we can give your ticket to someone on the waitlist.

To cancel your free ticket order:

Tenant Talks feedback 2023

Tenant Talks workshops were attended by over 30 tenants from across the city in 2023.

We have gathered feedback from the sessions so that we can respond to the issues and concerns that are important to you.

Our Tenant Talks feedback 2023 is available to download, read about how we’ve used your valued input so far.

Page last updated: 8 May 2024

Feedback button