Leader of the council

Councillor John Cotton

Leader’s portfolio

The Leader has ultimate political responsibility for the Council, and accountability for the following strategic functions:

  • Leadership of the Council and Cabinet, and strategic liaison with Corporate Leadership Team:  Ultimate political responsibility of the Council. Strategic liaison with the Corporate Leadership Team.
  • Best Value Commissioners: Lead on engagement with the government appointed Best Value Commissioners.
  • Lord Mayor's Parlour:  Appropriate support to the Lord Mayor and the other holders of civic office.
  • Communications: Internal and external stakeholder engagement and formal consultation on Council performance and use of resources.
  • Policy and Partnerships: Positioning Birmingham as a leader in public policy development at city, regional, national, European and international levels. Representing the Council’s policy agenda as appropriate through proactive engagement with Government, national policy networks and relations with the media.
  • Financial Strategy: The Council’s strategic approach to the use of financial resources and budget, including alignment between other local authority bodies (e.g. West Midlands Combined Authority), partners (e.g. Health), the BCC General Fund, Housing Revenue Account, capital spending and the use of reserves.
  • West Midlands Combined Authority: Representing the City Council on the West Midlands Combined Authority Board.
  • Strategic Policies: Development and implementation of the Council Business Plan and Medium-Term Financial Strategy/Budget.
  • Strategic Partnerships and External Affairs:  Promotion of collaborative working relationships with stakeholders and partners as part of the city’s ‘Civic Family’.
  • Localisation including Shaping Birmingham's Future Together: Neighbourhood Management – Development of the Council’s neighbourhood engagement model and work with wider Council and partners to ensure integration at the local level.  Shaping Birmingham’s Future Together.

Page last updated: 22 May 2024

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