Your recycling bin

Potential disruption due to industrial action

There is currently industrial action by Unite the Union. We expect some disruption but will try to minimise this.

Put your household waste (grey lid) bin out on your normal collection day.  If it is not collected, leave it out and we will collect it as soon as we can.  Recycling collections are suspended every day during industrial action so do not put your recycling bin (blue lid) out for collection.

You might find it useful to understand more about the industrial action, how this might affect your bin collections, and what you can or cannot do with your waste during this time.

We continue to work with Unite to try and resolve the dispute as soon as possible.

How to put your recycling bin(s) or box out for collection

Check my collection day

You must not store your bin on the street. It should be on your property when it is not out for collection.

Collection will take place after 5.30am. Do not put your bin out any earlier than 3:30pm the day before.

Your bin needs to be in front of your property or at your collection point if we have asked you to put your bins at a collection point.

You must return your bin to your property by midday on the day after collection. For example, if your collection day is Wednesday, you must put your bin back on your property by midday on Thursday.

What you can put in your recycling bin

Most households have one recycling wheelie bin which has a blue lid and removeable pod insert.

In the removable pod: cardboard and paper

If you have too much cardboard and paper to fit in the pod, place it in a neat pile next to your wheelie bin. You can put it in a cardboard box to keep it tidy.

Fold or break up any large boxes so that our crews can fit them in the small recycling section of their lorries.

In the main part of the bin: plastic, metal and glass


  • Household and toiletry bottles — take the lids off and put them in separately
  • Drink bottles, like milk bottles, pop bottles, and so on — take the lids off and put them in separately
  • Pots, tubs and trays, including yoghurt pots and meat trays (no black trays)
  • Lids


  • Metal lids
  • Aerosols
  • Clean foil and foil trays
  • Food and drink cans


  • Clear and different coloured glass bottles and jars.

Make sure that you take off the lid, bottle top, or screw cap and put them in separately.

If your home has a second recycling wheelie bin

Use the green lid bin for paper and card, and the blue lid bin for plastic, metal and glass.

If your property is not suitable for wheelie bins, you will have two recycling boxes

Green box: plastic, metal and glass

Blue box: cardboard and paper

What you cannot put in any of your recycling bins

  • milk, juice and tetra pack cartons
  • padded envelopes
  • soiled paper or card
  • pizza boxes that have food or grease on
  • food waste
  • paint or other non-food tins 
  • drinking glasses
  • pyrex glass or ceramics
  • black food trays
  • carrier bags and black sacks
  • hard plastics
  • light bulbs and mirrors
  • plastic film or wrappers
  • polystyrene
  • batteries
  • corks
  • metal, such as coat hangers

Page last updated: 6 February 2025

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