Birmingham road safety strategy

Improvement of road safety in Birmingham is an ongoing challenge. The council is committed to doing everything within its power to make our roads safer for everyone, especially sustainable transport users.

A Road Safety Strategy for Birmingham was developed in 2016. It sets out an action plan to reduce the number and severity of road traffic collisions, with a focus on the most vulnerable road users in the city.

The council is currently working on refreshing the Road Safety Strategy to reflect the recently adopted Birmingham Transport Plan.

We consulted on a revised strategy at the beginning of 2024, called the Road Harm Reduction Strategy. You can view the consultation on Birmingham Be Heard

The New Road Safety Strategy for Birmingham presentation outlines the proposed revised approach:

View the presentation

The Birmingham Transport Plan’s vision for Birmingham is to have a sustainable, green, inclusive, go-anywhere network:

  • Safe and healthy environments will make walking, cycling and active travel the first choice for people making short journeys.
  • A fully integrated, high-quality public transport system will be the go-to choice for longer trips.
  • A smart, innovative, carbon neutral and low emission network will support sustainable and inclusive economic success, tackle the climate emergency, and promote the health and well-being of Birmingham’s citizens.

The delivery of this vision will be guided by the following four principles.

  • Reallocating road space
  • Transforming the city centre
  • Prioritising active travel in local neighbourhoods
  • Managing demand through parking measures

Road safety is an important factor within the BTP vision and is embedded within all aspects of the Plan.

Page last updated: 17 February 2025

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